Homeschool Guide to Accommodations for the ACT


Homeschool Accommodations for the ACT

I receive requests every year from homeschool families for details on the process to secure accommodations for the ACT, so I thought I would turn this into a blog.

Homeschooling high-school is daunting. In addition to the roles of parent and teacher, you now have to also add in guidance counselor! That can get extra complicated if you have a teen who needs accommodations for the ACT, as you are responsible for navigating that process yourself (and the ACT is not always helpful during that process!

This guide will walk you through the steps of signing up for ACT accommodations, ensuring a smooth and successful test experience.

Step 1: Register and Request

First things first, head over to the ACT website and get registered for the exam. During the registration process, there will be a section dedicated to accommodation needs. Don't skip this! Select "Yes" when prompted.

Step 2: Documentation

Since you're a homeschooler, ACT will need some additional documentation to understand your needs. You will need to collect the following:

  • Exceptions Statement: This form (available on the ACT website) explains your homeschool situation and why you can't utilize a school official for the application process.
  • Diagnostic Documentation: This is where a medical professional steps in. Secure documentation from a doctor, psychologist, or other qualified professional that diagnoses your specific needs and recommends accommodations.
  • Prior Plans (Optional): If you have an existing Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan, include copies of those as well. They provide valuable insight into your history of receiving accommodations.
  • Recommendation for Accommodations: Your diagnosing professional can craft a letter recommending specific ACT accommodations and explaining why each one is beneficial.
  • Your Personal Story: In a brief statement, explain any accommodations you've received in past educational settings and why similar supports are crucial for the ACT.
  • ACT official details are available here.

Step 3: Submitting the Goods

Now for the grand finale! All your documentation needs to be submitted directly to ACT. Here are your options:

  • Email: The fastest route is to scan and email your documents to [email protected].
  • Mail: If you prefer snail mail, send everything to ACT Special Testing, 301 ACT Drive, PO Box 414, Iowa City, IA 52243.

Pro Tip: Don't procrastinate! ACT recommends submitting all documents well before the late registration deadline for your chosen test date.

Step 4: Patience is a Virtue

The ACT crew needs some time to review your request, typically 5-10 business days. 

Step 5: Results Roll In!

Once your request has been reviewed, you'll receive notification from ACT. If everything is approved (woohoo!), receive further instructions for the testing process. If not, they'll outline the next steps for any additional information required.

NOTE: I will be straight with you. The ACT right now seems to be making extra hard for homeschoolers to receive accommodations, and many people are having to appeal, submit additional documentation, etc. It can be an uphill battle. If you homeschool under an organization (cover school, church-related school, umbrella school, online academy, etc), reach out to them to see if they have had success getting accommodations for students. It seems like many organizations are getting better results than individual families. 

If push comes to shove and you keep getting rejected, it might be worth looking at test-optional paths (or schools that take the CLT, which is much more accommodating right now to homeschoolers). Many state scholarships and grants offer alternatives to submitting test scores, but it may require additional time and planning.



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Good luck, and remember, you've got this!

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