LIVE 4-week SAT Prep Course for the 4 weeks leading up to each exam!

Online SAT Prep Course

Included unlimited access to fundamental tutorial classes, weekly Q&A and much more. All available to you until you graduate high school.

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UniversityReady Full SAT Prep Course

Learn Strategies, Techniques and Concepts Needed To Excel On the SAT Exam

Live Classes

Get access to our 16-week video course, plus an after-test review. Live classes will be offered for the 4 weeks leading up to each SAT exam date (classes are held on Thursdays at 4:30 CT and video replays are available).

On-Demand Content

Can't make a class? You will have access to recordings of all meetings from your start date, as well as study guides for how to prepare for the SAT as well as weekly supplemental videos.

Academic Support

Have a weak geometry background? Can't tell the difference between a pronoun and an adjective? Included with the course is access to online videos that cover all primary test concepts.

We Want You to Be Fully Prepared for the SAT Exam!

Your Personal SAT Course

The SAT exam does not come naturally to most students. You might be good at math in high school and still struggle on the math section of the SAT exam. There are strategies and approaches to every section of the test. Our instructor, Matthew Bullington, has been helping students reach their target scores for 12 years

What's Included:

  • Weekly pre-recorded classes covering a full semester (16-week full course) test prep class. Each class will cover a primary section, generic strategies, a grammar topic and a math topic.
    • Reading
    • Writing and Language
    • Math (No Calculator)
    • Math (With Calculator)
    • Essay
  • LIVE 4-week crash courses leading up to each exam date.
    • Classes are held via Zoom on Thursdays at 4:30 CT for the 4 weeks prior to each ACT exam date.
  • Every class is recorded and available to watch for the full length of the course in our exclusive online membership site.
  • Have a question during the course? Students can email the instructor and will receive a video response.
  • Our full course includes access till graduation for just $160 to our full 16 week course.
  • Downloadable prep guides for each section.
  • Weekly math and English concept video tips.

Why UniversityReady SAT Prep?

There are lots of options for exam prep, so why choose us? Matthew Bullington is a top scoring SAT test taker who has been tutoring SAT test prep for 14 years. Live sessions are available before each SAT test date, and allow students to directly get answers to their questions. While most online courses approach test prep from a single approach, Matthew has studied numerous test prep books and courses, and incorporates different strategies to benefit test-takers with different strengths and weaknesses. Each course also comes with an unconditional 30 day money-back guarantee.

Sign Up For Our Full SAT Prep Course

One year access to the course for $160. This plan gives one student unlimited access to the online course till graduation. It is set for one year by default, but can be renewed for free until the student graduates from high school.


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